Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Misery Loves Company

Something I've struggled with in my many, many years of blogging is how much to share. Not in terms of explicitness (obviously), but in terms of the bad shit. When I'm having a clunker of a day, do I come on here (or my old blog) and just lay it all out?

I see the purpose of blogging as largely for entertainment value - is there any entertainment to be had from the fact that, on top of all the other crap going on in my life right now, I lost a much beloved flip-flop last night to a raging river where my parking lot used to be in a mad dash to my apartment office to pay my nearly-late rent in the middle of a monsoon? Okay, so maybe there is some entertainment to be had from that.

So I want to come on and be like, "Guys, I just don't have it in me today to talk about my proclivity for bedroom toys that come in cute colors and buzz...I'm having a shitty day." But where's the fun in that?

I am dealing with some drama with rollerderby right now; not only am I not a drama-person, I find it alarming that a sport that involves wearing rollerskates and stripey tights can even have drama in the first place.

My love life is fucking miserable because of someone I adore so much that I wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe because I'm so in love, constantly devastated, horny as fucking hell, and - oh, yes - in love. Today is not the day for me to share the details on that situation; suffice it to say that the person in question is absolutely perfect, wonderful, and amazing.

But the icing on the cake is that the person who verbally okayed my promotion two weeks ago is now trying to weasel out of it. I am doing everything I can to make it happen, and I have confidence in my ability to do so. But I am crushed every day at work by the disrespect for the work I do and the presumption that it's okay for superiors to use the fuck out of me as an employee.

So, yeah, I'm having a shitty couple of days of it. It's not entertaining in the slightest. I know all of it will work itself out, and it's not in my nature to be depressed long-term when I know things will eventually be better. They will be, and that's okay. But today, folks, I'm giving myself permission to sit here with the grumpiest face on I can possibly muster and feel sorry for myself. So there.


Shaila said...

So sorry you're having a rough time. Email coming your way.

bettie cracker said...

:( I will give you the biggest hug of your life tonight.

Anonymous said...

Aw, you're certainly allowed to vent as well as entertain. Drama with rollerderby, flip flops and work seems like a lot. I hope it gets easier and then we can hear all about who you're in love with. Hugs, Judi

This Is Me, Doing What I Do said...

Well, pout away!
Everyone of us is allowed at some point!
It will all be done soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Seriously...everyone has a downer day. Feel free to share what you want, and know that we'll all be here. For the panty stories AND the sad ones too. : )

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm sorry things are rough. You are TOTALLY entitled to having a shitty day and griping and letting everyone who adores you give you a pep talk now and then. That's what the blog is for, no? Hang in there.

And, seriously. I'd think that the roller derby circuit would be fairly drama-free, too. WTF?