Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sometimes You Have No One To Blame But Yourownself

Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting in the main office, waiting for the day to be over, when Male Receptionist revealed to me that he had an entire bag of miniature Reese's Cups hidden in his desk drawer. Incensed at candy being withheld from me, I immediately filled my pockets, and went back to my own office (from which I am able to yell at the Main Office).

"I'm gonna eat all 13 of these!" I hollered.

I halfheartedly began working and eating a Reese's Cup every now and then. I kept Male Receptionist updated on my progress. "I'm on number 6 now!" I'd yell.

When I hit number 12, I loudly informed the main office that I was on number 12 around a mouthful of peanut butter and chocolate.

"Gross, Dirty Girl!" Male Receptionist said, "That is disgusting!"

And such words would normally be blasphemy. Unfortunately, as soon as he said it, it became disgusting and I felt really sick.

I stumbled out to the main office in a sugar daze, holding Reese's Cup #13 in my hand. "Here," I said, depositing it on Male Receptionist's desk, "You can have this one back. I' hungry anymore."

And you know what? This morning, for the first time in my life, I think I can do without Reese's Cups. I hope this isn't a permanent thing.


Anonymous said...

I've OD'ed on Reese' PB Cups too. I stopped eating them for weeks but soon fell off the wagon and ate them again. DAMN they're good and addicting. :-) Judi

Anonymous said...

We have a peanut free house (the girl has an allergy) and DAMN do I miss Reese's! When we went to Las Vegas we bought peanut M&M's, Reeses, peanut butter sundaes....YUM! I envy the Reeses.

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Oh, you'll be back. Any addict of Reese's cups (including myownself) knows you can't stay away too long.