Thursday, May 31, 2007

Now We Are Two

Babygirl has hit the terrible twos, finally, after months of actually being two. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she just now got moved into the two-year-old class at daycare. She's come into her own.

She spent a thirty-minute car ride last night alternately singing, "The driber on bus MOOB ON BACK! MOOB ON BACK! MOOB ON BACK! Driber on bus MOOB ON BACK! All fwoo toooooown!" and yelling at me, "DON'T TALK TO ME, MAMA!" To which I responded with a very motherly, "I didn't want to talk to you anyway!"

I swear, our mother-daughter relationship warms the heart...


Shaila said...

The joys of having a two year old are just neverending. Like when you tell her she can't watch Dora AGAIN and she screams "Mean Mommy!" Just melts the heart.

bettie cracker said...

we had this conversation at our house the other night "_uck Daddy! I no like you. You not my friend". "Well, I'm still your Daddy, and that's what counts". We 're not sure if she said "Fuck Daddy" or if it just sounded like it. Its so cute, Daddy still gets his feelings hurt when she says stuff like that. I just know I am doing my job.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Aww, even in the terrible twos, she's still completely adorable.